The best advice I can give you as a mother is to go with your gut. I believe moms have an inborn instinct, and often you can actually feel the muscles in the pit of your stomach tighten when you are about to make a wrong decision and ignore your “gut feelings.” I’m not saying that you shouldn’t weigh the pros and cons of a decision. I know, it’s a lot to digest.

Trust your instinct. Come on, you know what to do.
Your gut is talking to you all the time. I think of my gut as my friend. My gut says: “Hello there,” and that usually gets my attention. And then my gut continues: “You know that bringing a child into a candy store who already has 10 cavities isn’t the greatest idea.”

You are setting that child up to fail and you’ll be reaching for the Tums. In our modern world, we rely too much on experts and forget about mothers and their intuition. It’s a sixth sense. Other amazing mom skills